Well…I am Matt and am the creator of this blog. My wife Melissa and I live in Moore, Oklahoma, and have been talking about doing something together that we can look back on with our future kids in the future, and have something to share with them about their progression into and in the World. I decided I’d get the ball rolling on this idea prior to Christmas, and hope to have a pretty functional blog put together to present to my wife on Christmas day.
A little more about us…we are both currently 28 and have 3 dogs (we haven’t figured out yet if the dogs know we are pregnant, but we figure they’ll learn in a few more months :-))! Pennie is our oldest (and I think smartest) mongrel and she’s a 4 year-old Chocolate Lab. Then there’s Paisley…our 3 year-old white and butterscotch English Pointer mixed, spotted girl who is pretty timid around kids (we adopted her from a “foster home for dogs”)…we think she’ll break out of her timidness when the new additions arrive. Finally…we have Jake, a Black Lab. Jake’s a good dog but drives me nuts because he tends to dig up my backyard. He tends to wear
himself out everyday because all he does is sleep when we get home. We also let Wonder, our neighbor Mark’s Black Lab, come hang out with our dogs all of the time. The 4 of them seem to be the best of buds.
We found out we were pregnant in September and couldn’t have been more excited. We’ve been trying to take pictures, keep ultrasounds, etc., since the day we found out. Now the goal is to collectively share this gathered info with whoever cares to read it, and as I said above have something to look back on someday!
Thanks for stopping by!
WHY??? Why did you wear a multi-colored plaid tie. I was like man this is a pretty good read, and then “BAM” the multi-colored plaid tie smacked me right in the face.