Just hangin’!

Quick update! The boys are growing like crazy, and once Daddy gets through the 15th, he said he’d update the blog with many new pages and pictures! Cayden was sleepy and Carter decided to help Mama bake some cookies for the football game!



Updates are coming!

We want to apologize for the lack of updates to the blog the past 2 months…things got pretty busy as you can imagine! Well, now that things have settled down some, we plan on keeping the blog updated much more frequently! Big changes are coming and MANY pictures will be up soon! Thanks for stopping by and check back often!

The boys arrived!

I know it’s been a while since a post has been made, but the boys finally arrived last Thursday (sorry for the delay…been kind of busy with the adjustment process!!)!

Boys hospital

Their official birthday is May 9, 2013! We finally settled on names the night before they were born…and we’ll welcome them below! Many more updates will be made to the page in the coming days/weeks!









Carter Matthew – 5:13PM – 6LB 3OZ – 20″

Carter introCayden intro







Cayden Michael – 5:16PM – 5LB 15OZ – 20″

The Date of Arrival is Coming!

Well we just found out that Thursday @ 7:30am is the date the doc has set for Melissa to go in and begin the labor process! We are excited and looking forward to introducing the unnamed boys to the World! Thanks to everyone who has shared thoughts, gifts, and blog followings!

Patience is wearing thin :-)

Well…my patience wears thin when I have my pregnant wife moaning about all of the regular pregnancy symptoms…but you know…she is carrying the kiddos and not me…so I don’t have too much to complain about! I decided to do some research earlier morning and found many different foods to make that can help speed up the process to get the whole labor routine started..IMG_9094.eggplant Parmesan  spicy chicken, Gorgonzola salad, and pineapple mango smoothies! Yup…don’t be jealous…I shipped my pregnant wife off to buy the groceries while I worked, then I came home and made some dinner! We’ll see if any of these old wive’s tails get this party started here in the next few days…

The Big Day Is Approaching!


Time is ticking down quickly on the arrival of our twins! We’re getting excited, yet nervous, on the idea of becoming parents. The date to the right is the official due date, but we’ve been told expectations should be the second week of May (at the latest…if they don’t come before hand). We’re definitely looking forward to it! We had a great “Maternity Picture” session with Kris Ellen Smith photography (krisellensmith.com)…eventually we’ll get some more up! Thanks for continuing to follow the blog as we try to keep everyone updated on the arrival!

34 week update

34 weeks yesterday and counting! The boys were estimated at 5 1/2 pounds each last Wednesday, and we’re probably going to find out an induction date tomorrow or Thursday! Time is ticking…we’ll be updating a lot in the next few days now that I’ve wrapped up with tax time!

The guard dog!

I just thought this was funny…I think Paisley is waiting patiently for her little brothers to pop out! She tends to find herself in guarding or curious situations over her mama’s belly, or in the twin’s future bedroom…and people wonder how she’s gonna act when they finally get here! That’s all!


27 week update!

Well, much has happened since the last time I updated the blog! We’ve had an ultrasound, a 3D ultrasound, finished the twin’s room, and hit the 3rd trimester! That only means these little ninjas will be popping out sooner than later. Babysitters prepare…that’s right when softball season starts up! Enjoy your day! :)